

Each student should wear the school uniform daily. Kindly note the followeing:-

Std. I to Std. X : Terry cot Maroon flared skirt (umbrella cut), Terry cot beige blouse with open collar, White socks (knee length), Black shoes, white ribbon or white cloth hair band. Students of V to X must tie their hair in two braids.

Students of LKG will have Green Check Skirt (Umbrella cut) Terry cot light green (lemon shade) blouse with collar shirt. In winter ready made bottle green sweater with 'V' neck is to be worn.

In order to avoid having Different shades and patterns, parents are to see that uniforms are bought from shops having long standing experience in this field and readymade uniforms will not be permitted.

In winter readymade maroon cardigan with " V " nect is to be worn. Blazer is to be worn in winter by students of VI - X. Different shades, patterns and styles of Uniforms will not be permitted.